
Good evening and welcome back to the "Corner!" As always, we are GLAD you are here...
When we (yes, still just me) started this blog back in July, we mentioned that we (still I) would feature "Kev's Friends," a monthly "spotlight" of sorts, highlighting those people that have made "Kev's" life a little more interesting and a lot more worthwhile...
While we did away with the official "Kev's Friends" segment, we have written about (or you have heard from) MANY of the people that "Kev" holds near and dear to his heart. You all know "Princess," "Sar," Jean, "Kev's" ex-best BFF's, the "Kittens" (and a "Tiger"), "Mr. P.," "Mr. D.," my "sistah," my "Land Lady" (who is far from a "lady," if you know what I mean), my beloved Grandmother as well as my aunt, to name a few... (I am sure I am forgetting someone, so please forgive me in advance.)
Tonight we are happy to share these pictures of Carrie (and her husband, Dave), who was the first person "Kev" ever referred to as "Princess," because she is just, well, a Princess and a songbird...
I met Carrie when I was living in the Bay area. Carrie was my then piano teacher, and as Carrie knows, I had a "gay man crush" on her... (I told her that one night too! My palms were sweaty, like a 15-year-old, followed by, "but my boyfriend's name is David.") It's hard to sum up in a paragraph all that someone is, but I can tell you that Carrie is VERY talented, VERY genuine, and VERY fun, not to mention easy on the eye, which even this gay man can see. I always looked forward to my weekly lessons with Carrie. When I saw her, it was as if there was a beam of light radiating around her (and I wasn't drinking). I quickly considered Carrie a friend. At the time, Carrie was single so we would spend some of our time talking about men and relationships. I would impart much of the same advice on Carrie that I still impart on others today (you know, quote Madonna lyrics - wisdom is timeless...). "You don't need diamond rings or eighteen carat gold. Fancy cars that go very fast, you know, they never last, oh no. What you need is a big strong hand to lift you to your higher ground. Make you feel like a queen on a throne. Make him love you till you can't come down." Well, Carrie heeded my advice, found that person, has since married, moved to the East Coast, has a daughter and a baby on the way! (I love happy endings, don't you? The storybook kind...)
In short, Carrie made an impression on me that I won't soon forget. And while I can't play the piano very well, she taught me most of what I know today, which is a "gift" I am grateful for (and no small feat for Carrie since I know she left some evenings with a headache).
To Carrie - I couldn't be happier with the way everything turned out for you and am glad we can stay in touch via email. I WILL come to Boston some day and look forward to seeing you then. Until then, keep the pictures coming!
To everyone else - send us (me) your pictures! (I have shared almost all of mine.)
THANKS for stopping in. "Kev" will be back tomorrow!
Click HERE to hear a song "Kev" played over and over and over again (driving Carrie (and David) insane) BUT it is now perfected. Although I don't play it anymore...

Oh my gosh, I totally forgot about that song!! You ended up being to play that really well in the end! I was so proud of you... I seem to remember getting a little teary eyed the final time you played it.
Thanks for all of your kind words, yet again. It's all mutual, believe me.
And P.S. - If I left work with a headache, it was NOT because of you. It was probably from one of the other students earlier in the day. You always put me in a good mood for the ride home!
Hugs and kisses galore,
LOL. Now you are just being nice. If you got teary eyed the last time I played that, it could have only been tears of joy for not having to hear it again. ROFL. The song is super old but it "spoke to me" at the time (for obvious reasons). I don't listen to it or play it anymore. I tried really hard to upload some of your music but I am having computer problems..UGGH! Thanks again for the pictures...They brought a smile to my face. Enjoy the rest of the week! L-U-V,
Kevin -
Carrie looks lovely. I have to say, I appreciate you letting the readers know that I am far from a "lady" (You don't have nudie pics of me, do you?) See you tomorrow and DON'T CANCEL (does the word "reservation" mean nothing to you?) or I will come back and let the fine readers here know that you backed out on a "reservation."
Land Lord
Land Lord -
Mighty bold, upgrading your status to "Land LORD," don't you think? It's OK, we'll go with it...And about that picture... The "staff" will have to comb the archives. We'll let you know what we unearth.
Yes, Carrie IS lovely... I obviously adore her.
Cancel? Me? Never! (No comments from "Princess" "Sar," or anyone else, or the blog is COMIN' down, you got it?) No, I won't cancel. As a matter of fact, I have already previewed the menu and know what I am ordering... (Is that sad that I love food that much or is that sad that I have time to preview the menu? Don't answer that.) And if I don't "show," please come back and let the readers know - for God's sake, I have been asking for contributions from everyone for months now and that would qualify.
Have a good night - I am going to bed...
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