Friday's HOT Guy...

It's FRIDAY! We hope everyone had a FANTASTIC week...
Before we talk about this week's "HOT Guy...," we wanted to mention a couple of things...
Nancy Pelosi became the first female Speaker of the House yesterday, winning the gavel with a 233 to 202 vote! Democrats took control of the House and Senate (right?). This is EXCITING.
Sadly, U.S. casualties in Iraq, at the time of this writing, have reached 3,006...

The Rosie O'Donnell/Donald Trump feud continues to rage on. (I have to say, I really don't care for Rosie O'Donnell one bit. I know I should side with my lesbian counterpart, but I just don't like anything about her, especially after she went after daytime's reigning sweetheart, Kelly Ripa, whom I love. While we are at it, I also don't care for Clay Aiken. He seems very annoying.)
Justin Timberlake's movie "Alpha Dog" premiered in Hollywood on Wednesday. Did you know that Justin Timberlake's mother is only 5 years older than "Kev." Yes, I just about fell over when I read that. Anyway, go see his movie when it comes out - I am sure he is super cute in it...
Today's "HOT Guy" is an actor that I have liked for many years (for real). You may know him best for his role as Obi-Wan Kenobi in "Star Wars" or perhaps you saw him as Catcher Block in "Down With Love" (my personal favorite). The gays remember him as Christian from "Moulin Rouge" because he is CUTE and he can sing... He is none other than Scotland's Ewan McGregor and I think he is F-I-N-E, fine. The accent seals the deal, don't you think?
We hope you will enjoy these photos of Mr. McGregor (as much as we do).
To learn more about Ewan, click HERE.
I hope everyone has a GREAT weekend! Stick to those resolutions! If "Kev" can, YOU CAN TOO!

"Kev's" Post Script
The photo of Presidents Bush & Bush, along with the caption, came courtesy of Aunt Edith. I thought I would add it since I had JUST mentioned the Iraq War and thought it was pretty funny... Thanks A.E.!
Finally some Ewan. Thank you.
Hey Sar!
I didn't know you were an Ewan fan! He is SUPER cute, isn't he? You know, I am starting to incorporate my "Kev Speak" here at the office, ie, "Your rates are going to be SUPER high next year. Your claim experience is SUPER bad..." I PROMISE I WILL see you in February (booked a flight and everything). I am staying downtown though, not in Lake Forest, and won't be going to the office.
Love ya!
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