WELCOME Newbies!
Welcome BACK (bitches)!
How is EVERYONE doing? "Kev" is back home in the A-T-L after traveling ALL week.
I am HAPPY to report that we have a handful of NEW readers. Exciting? Most definitely. WELCOME to YOU beautiful people (you know who you are).
For those of you who are veteran readers here, you get the day off. Might we suggest visiting one of our neighboring blogs? In other words, get outta here already. (But come back tomorrow.)
For those of you who have JUST started "stoppin' in," this is how we "roll" here at "The Corner."
1) We often open the post with a greeting addressing you, the reader, as "bitch," as in, "WELCOME BACK, bitch!" This is a term of endearment here - not a degrading insult. We mean no offense and you should be flattered. Unless we call you a "sonofabitch," which is entirely different.
2) We (which is just "me") write in all three grammatical "persons," (i.e., "I" "we" "thou" "you" "us") painting the illusion that there are hoards of crack journalists running around here creating this blog just for YOU. Truth be told, it is always just ME. It's a "fun" technique but it confuses some readers and I am sometimes asked "who wrote that?"
3) What's in a name? A lot! For the origins of the blog's name, please read the very first post dated July 31, 2006 (I don't have all night you know). I will tell you that I never, ever liked when someone called me "Kev" (bastardizing my nice Irish name) although this has grown on me and I no longer give dirty looks to the people who call me this.
4) Why blog? Because it is a "fun" way to stay connected (in a very silly way) with friends all over the country whilst somewhat fulfilling my dashed dream of ever being a real journalist or writer. Isn't it GREAT when you discover your "passion" at 40? What is "ironic" is that my first major at Columbia College in Chicago was radio JOURNALISM. (I abandoned that major, fearing I would never make a decent living...)
5) Who stops in here? Let me tell you, Kings and Queens (okay, probably more Queens). The finest of society's upper echelon "stop in," including my BEST childhood friends, a few family members, former teachers, guys I have either dated or slept with, as well as complete and total strangers. In a nutshell, many people whom I simply "adore" (including those strangers). "We" (are you catching on now) average 35 "visitors" per day from all over the globe (we think this is EXCITING) and the average "visit" lasts 6 minutes.
6) We like to post pictures of HOT guys (and Stevie Nicks). It's what we do. We will never, ever post "nudie" pics, however, because, well, we're not a porn site and we don't want you to get in trouble for reading this at the office, classroom, parish, or courtroom (okay, I don't have any idea where you read this at).
7) We LOVE David Beckham. He's blonde. He's British. Need we say more?
What else can we tell you? We know this world can be a negative and harsh place sometimes SO we aim to be as upbeat and HAPPY here as often as we can, even if we have to fake it. After all, YOU don't need anything else bringing you down. We like to celebrate the little things in life, like getting third row seats at a Ricky Martin concert.
We welcome your comments and feedback AND we LOVE guest contributors. We would LOVE to find at least one other person who would like to be a regular writer here.
I think that pretty much covers it! We will be BACK tomorrow with another "Friday HOT Guy" AND remember, "Kev" will be meeting someone who was featured here as a "Friday HOT Guy" this Saturday, so come back to read all about that!
THANKS for stoppin' in!
hum....who are you meeting on saturday. i'm off again saturday for another conference and return on tuesday. shall we have dinner next week to celebrate our birthday's & so i can pick up my smashing "Kev's Corner" t-shirt that I will wear proudly... possibly proudly at pride (that's good advertising). maybe to a stevie nicks concert in june.... hope all is well. see you soon. Mr. P
Dinner next week sounds f-i-n-e. Wednesday/Thursday? Your shirt is HERE! YAY! About the HOT Guy... I will tell you, it is someone YOU like and is NOT David Beckham (the HOT Guy of all HOT Guys...). Hopefully I will have pics up on Saturday or Sunday. I am super excited about Stevie Nicks.. Still don't know where my seats are yet... Safe travels!!
I'm missing another fun dinner. Oh well. Don't do anything I wouldn't do!
I'm very excited about the HOT Guy that Kev is meeting on Saturday. I believe that despite himself he will be #1 in line. That's just how Kev is. He is #1.
#1 throwing elbows and throwing insults to keep his spot. I'm so excited to find out who this hot guy is. Maybe you can have him call me since it's some I like. see you next week. P
Yes, I "spilled the beans" to Princess and she in fact knows whom I will be spending tomorrow afternoon with. THANKS, too, for the #1 comment Princess (you're #1 to me!). I wish you could come to Atlanta on June 4th - it looks like there will be some extra really crappy Stevie Nicks tickets that we could enjoy together (we now have 8 tickets in Row K - I think we should trade them all for two row 3's in the pit or something). Anyhoo, my dears, have a GR-EAT weekend.
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