Sunday, June 24, 2007


Hey EVERYBODY! Today is the official day of GAY PRIDE!

HAPPY PRIDE (GURL)! No, I don't know why gays say this to one another, but it is a LOT of fun (after several vodka lemonades).

"Kev" just wants to say that I hope you all had a GREAT weekend. It was a LOT of fun here in Atlanta. (Thanks to June, Ken, Bradley and everybody we met, i.e., touched inappropriately, this weekend.)

You know how "Kev" is always on the lookout for celebrities, right? Well, "Kev" spotted Leslie Jordan again (it was pretty easy, he passed me on a float) and, hold on to your skirts, DEBORAH GIBSON! She was H-O-T, HOT! I love her! Yes, I worked my way to as close as I could get to the stage and Debbie, I mean, Deborah, was SENSATIONAL. I collected many strands of beads, even knocking people over to get them, and then gave them all away since I am not into cheap costume jewelry.

June took some photos on Saturday (although I looked WAY cuter on Sunday) and I will share those soon.

Anyway, I am heading back out now, so HAPPY PRIDE to all of you!

Much love,


Finally, for those of you who grew up in the '80's, like "Kev," perhaps you will enjoy this...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Pride, gurl! Don't be too mischievous!

11:21 PM  

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