Friday, June 15, 2007

Friday's HOT Guy...

Okay, it's time for another "Friday HOT Guy..."

Today's "HOT Guy" is, once again, Reichen Lehmkuhl! (My husband.)

Reichen now has a line of jewelry being marketed specifically to the gays, called "Fly Naked With Reichen..." (I'm a Rolex kinda gay, so I would not wear this, but it's okay, I still love him. Tons. It is sort of "funny" that these ads are for jewelry.)

"We" thought we would share some "Corner" news that may (or may not) be of interest to you... "We" are still planning to advertise on the site (just have not had time to work on this), we are still trying to re-create the header (with something FUN and catchy) AND we are working to add music to each post so you have something nice to listen to each and every day. Next month we will celebrate our one year anniversary (can you believe it) and "we" want the blog to be something YOU enjoy reading every day.

That said, I am not going to try to "fool" you today folks. I am going to "shoot straight." I'm tired. SO, instead of trying to waste any more room in cyberspace, I am simply going to share these pictures, and tell you that I hope you have a GR-EAT Friday!

This is an EXCITING weekend for several of you... One of you is with Stevie Nicks in New Jersey (lucky bastard), another is having a GRAND fete to ring in the big 4-0, a couple of you will be BACK STAGE with "The Police" and one of you is having a moving sale. All of you, however, are in my thoughts and I wish I could be with each and every one of you. (Especially you. And you. And, of course, YOU!)

"Kev" WILL be back tomorrow but PA-LEEZ enjoy these pictures of Reichie (that's what I call him). "We" also included one of Matthew McConaughey for those of you who prefer him.

Much love,



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