Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Don't Speak For Me Sarah Palin (I Do Not Like You)

Welcome BACK everyone!

THIS YouTube clip was sent to "us" by our friend, "Sar." "We" like it (because we DON'T like Sarah Palin - she's scary).

Have a good Thursday, bitches!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL. I'll just make one more for my next president. go vote for obama! i'm trilled after my 30 minutes of TV. if you don't vote, you can't have an opinion next week. just saying. oh, and it's now almost thursday on kev's corner.


Mr. P

11:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, and i can i say vote NO on Prop 8 if you are on that coast.

12:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This woman makes a really good point...why can't any of our leaders (naturally, they are the ones I do not like) say the word "nuclear" correctly? Seriously. Why can't they pronounce it? I say that there should be voice activation for our nuclear weaponry. Our leader should have to be able to say the damn word if they have access to the code.

There are many other reasons to dislike Sarah Palin, but this is just one more thing. She's a disaster!

9:39 AM  

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