Friday, January 30, 2009

THANKS for Stoppin' In!

Hello EVERYONE! I hope you are all s-w-e-l-l.

Well my friends, I wanted to say "THANKS for stoppin' in!" one last time.

Today's post is "our" 610th and, I think, the last. I have had a lot of fun with this blog in the two and a half years I have been writing it, but I just don't "feel it" anymore (and STILL want to write that stupid book I mentioned oh so long ago). I am not going to remove it or delete it (because, hey, I'm moody, I may change my mind again tomorrow) but wanted to say "goodbye," at least for the time being.

Take care, much love (and go see Fleetwood Mac when they visit YOUR town) -


Finally, one last time, here is Stevie Nicks performing one of my favorites (which will be included in the upcoming tour, I am told)...


Blogger Lindsay family said...

I will miss you.. errr, your blog!

(I always know where to find you.)

1:36 PM  
Blogger dmarie said...

what's this?? where will i go to chuckle my head off?? ah well...good wishes to you on the book! xxoo

9:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SAD DAY!! :(

5:15 PM  
Blogger Kev said...

I have a feeling "The Corner" will be back... Like everything I do, I just need a break for a while PLUS I gotta start that book I keep telling everyone about!
Bye everyone.

6:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this what you call a SAD DAY TO BE GAY? I'm sure you will be back. This is not your first break. ;-) When the mood strikes you... post something. Mr. P

10:04 PM  

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