Sunday, March 15, 2009


Hello EVERYONE! It's... SUNDAY! (How do you like the picture above? Pretty "hot," right?)

"We" hope YOU are doing f-i-n-e, fine today.

"Kev" (that's me) attended Olivia Newton-John's concert last week at the Cobb Energy Center in Marietta, Georgia. The seats were in the mezzanine (not "Kev Quality") but good nonetheless. The show was, well, what I expected... Olivia performed all of her "hits" and was perky/personable throughout. Did you know she has a fan club (that we had the misfortune of sitting behind)? It's true. These people were whack (and drunk). They were VERY excited. They came with glow sticks in hand, which they used to form an "X" when Olivia sang "Xanadu." They offered us glow sticks and asked that we participate, but, well, that was just too gay. I wasn't doing it. They proudly wore their Olivia tees displaying all of the cities on the tour route (none of which I had ever heard of). I appreciated and understood their enthusiasm though. Anyway, I admit, when Olivia sang the song below, it made me cry a little (inside). It is from the movie/musical "Grease," which reminds me of my Grandfather because he took my sister and me to see it when it was in theatres. (And you thought it reminded me of a stupid boy... Not this time.) Thanks Azor, for arranging the night!

Okay, here is some more EXCITING news... I already told you that friend Zane and I will be seeing Fleetwood Mac (5-star/VIP seats) here in Atlanta (including a band "meet and greet")... Well, "Kev" (again, me) will be seeing two additional shows this tour (shows 2 & 3 both in the 5th row) in other cities. Really, it's all I live for.

Have a good week everyone.



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