Welcome back you dirty bitches! It's HUMP day!
How are ya? We here at the "Corner" are fine today. The weather in Atlanta is simply perfect. Couldn't ask for a nicer day.
Again, a lot has happened in the news today, but we are simply too lazy to share it with you. (The staff all went to the beach. Oh, alright. There's no beach here. Can't fool you.)
Instead, we are going to share some videos from YouTube of a guy we think is HOT. As a matter of fact, he is our "first ever" "HUMP DAY HOT Guy!" You saw him last night. Yes, it's American Idol's Chris Richardson (NOT Robertson). Chris has been compared to Justin Timberlake. I say, "that's great!" The world can always use MORE Justins!
Did you ever notice that some Idol contestants hold up their fingers to remind you what their number is for voting purposes? This looks super tacky to me. Keep your hands at your side. We know what number to dial if we want to vote for you.
Anyway, here are some of Chris's Idol performances for your viewing pleasure. He already looks like a star and he doesn't beg for votes by reminding you of his number. Way to go, Chris!
"Kev" may (or may not) be back tomorrow. Have a GREAT Thursday.
"Kev" was "stunned" "shocked" and simply beside himself when our "first ever" HUMP DAY Hot Guy was in the bottom two tonight! We are glad Chris will be around for at least one more week.
This past week Melinda finish the vocals on her CD!. All of that happens quickly then you will see her CD on shelves this Fall! Also, keep your eye out for her first official single that should be hitting airwaves in the coming weeks. Melinda is going to be throwing a lot of music at us in the coming months so get ready!
We have new website to support Melinda Career. I'm one of her backups who support Melinda from the beginning. Melinda have her own topic in the forum. She keep us update with all what happen with her album and everything with us. She is a amazing person. Come join us.
Melinda Doolittle will released her first album soon. Keep you update at
UPCOMING SHOW: 10/19/2008 3:00 PM
Host Name Tyler Graves
Show Name Moments With Melinda - Show 4
Show Length 1 Hour
Show Description In this episode of Moments With Melinda, Melinda will discuss her new single "It's Your Love" as well as her upcoming debut CD! Fan calls will be accepted
Call-in Number: (646) 716-9978
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